Appointment Scheduling Process API - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

Appointment Scheduling Dev Guide

The Appointment Scheduling Process API application uses the following DataWeave modules to be used in Appointment Scheduling(Search,Get,Create,Cancel) and Slot(Get and Search)

cerner-error-mappingGenerate error message for Cerner Include the request URL and the value cerner
epic-error-mappingGenerate error message for Epic Include the request URL and the value epic
filter_slot_search_formGenerate Slot Search Post Body with updated parameters The parameter names from HealthCloud are not compatible with Cerner This code updates the parameter names and sends only those parameters that are either prefixed with sourceor do not contain any mention of a source to each individual source Map from input request


Generate error message for Cerner
Include the request URL and the value cerner

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/ApptScheduling/cerner-error-mapping.dwl

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Generate error message for Epic
Include the request URL and the value epic

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/ApptScheduling/epic-error-mapping.dwl

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Generate Slot Search Post Body with updated parameters
The parameter names from HealthCloud are not compatible with Cerner
This code updates the parameter names and sends only those parameters that are either prefixed with
source| or do not contain any mention of a source to each individual source
Map from input request

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/ApptScheduling/filter_slot_search_form.dwl


fun filterBySource (value, filterBy, sourceList)

Filters string to return only matched values Calls helper functions checkSourceinValue and removeString Assumes input string is a comma separated string with multiple values

param value string to be filtered
param filterBy string to be used for filtering
param sourceList is list of sources defined in config-{env}.yaml

fun checkSourceinValue (value, sourceList)

Function to check if input string contains one of the sources identified in config-{env}.yaml's defined sources

param value string to be checked for sources
param sourceList is list of sources defined in config-{env}.yaml

fun mapStartDates (startArray)

Generates start dates for Slot Search using payload.start, which is a repeating element

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onOct 12, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

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